Wednesday, June 22, 2022

10 Reasons You Shouldn’t Drive with Damaged Windows

There are a lot of reasons to get an auto glass replacement if you have damaged windows in your vehicle. Auto glass is very important, contributing to the safety of your passengers, avoiding legal costs, and more. Here are 10 reasons you should have damaged windows repaired as soon as possible.

  1. Auto Glass Provides Comfort

Replacing auto glass will make every ride more comfortable. Your auto windows and their seals keep out road noise and maintain a barrier between the outside elements and your vehicle's interior.

  1. Structural Integrity

Depending on your make and model, your auto glass is responsible for as much as 45 percent of the structural integrity of the passenger compartment. Cracked and broken windows reduce that protection considerably. 

  1. Cracks Expand with Driving

The force of wind created by driving will cause cracks to get longer and splinter into new cracks. As the glass weakens, it will eventually fail completely and may cause serious injuries to passengers.

  1. Dirt and Dust Affect Cracks

As you drive along with cracked auto glass, particles in the wind become lodged in the cracks. These particles build up and begin to wedge the crack wider until it eventually shatters.

  1. Climate Enlarges Cracks

Unbroken windows aren't affected by extreme temperature due to their design and manufacture, but once the integrity is lost the elements become a major problem.

  1. Reduced Visibility

Cracked auto glass makes it harder to see what is going on outside the vehicle. This begins as an effect of the crack itself but often leads to milky glass expanding around the crack. 

  1. Legal Troubles

Intact auto glass is a matter of law in most states. If you are seen driving with cracked, broken, or missing auto glass you can be stopped and will face fines or other charges.

  1. May Affect Safety Devices

Cracked or broken windows have been shown to cause safety devices such as airbags not to work properly. Replacing your auto glass keeps your vehicle operating the way it was designed to do.

  1. Risk of Ejection at Impact

Since the glass is already weakened, your passengers are no longer protected properly against being thrown out of the vehicle in a collision. 

  1. Increase Resale Value

Replacing cracked or broken glass before you put your vehicle on the market will make it more valuable to prospective buyers. Because auto glass is so important, it will have a huge impact on your resale value.

Most auto insurance policies cover windshield replacement, so your auto glass repairs may cost you little or nothing. The important thing is to get the glass replaced as soon as possible because the situation will only grow more serious.

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