Sunday, July 21, 2019

Popular Tiny House Remodeling Projects

Home Remodeling Contractors - Mares Dow

So you bought (or built) yourself a tiny house, and now you live in it. You are far from alone in this endeavor as the enthusiasm for tiny house ownership has been steadily growing for years. But as more and more people mark their second, fifth, or tenth year of tiny home living, many are realizing the process of growing into their tiny home lifestyle can also sometimes result in growing out of the space. If this is true for you, don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you have to abandon your tiny house. With the help of home remodeling contractors, you can reformat your space to accommodate your needs better. Here are some great ideas for upgrades that can help you better utilize your precious square footage and make your tiny house feel like a more comfortable home.

Custom hide-and-seek furniture

Often store-bought furniture will only go so far in a tiny house. Every space-saving option should be utilized and custom hide-and-seek furniture can turn your largest items into Russian nesting dolls. For example, an expandable dining table can be compacted and lowered at night to accommodate a murphy bed over the top, while the built-in benches around the table turn into a bed frame. The benches can also feature built-in drawers for storage.

Resourceful lighting

Trade-in standing or table lamps for lighting options that don’t occupy unnecessary real estate. Installing wired, mounted lighting like sconces or pendants can free up space and still keep your home bright. Additionally, you can work with a home and commercial skylights installer to bring more natural light into your tiny home.

Plumbing updates

Many tiny houses sit on land that does not already have a septic tank and so they use composting toilets. But upgrading to a septic system may better suit your needs, or swapping out the composting toilet for an incinerating toilet that reduces waste to ash.

Expansive color schemes

Simple but effective, a fresh coat of paint is an easy tiny home remodeling project. Monochromatic color schemes make small spaces appear larger, and using the same bright color on walls and furniture can expand the feel of your tiny house.

Compact kitchens

A custom, all-in-one kitchen unit is a great project that still offers the necessary kitchen functionality despite its compact size. For example, one upright unit the size of a wardrobe can feature a microwave, minifridge, sink, small pantry, and induction stovetop, all tucked behind cabinet doors lined with shelving that open to reveal the kitchen.

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