Friday, April 16, 2021

Everyday Household Items That Will Clog Your Drains

Everyday Household Items That Will Clog Your Drains
Think of every clogged drain you’ve had. Do you remember what caused them, or did you simply pour a drain cleaner down the pipes and wash away the obstruction? It’s possible the origin of each clog was unique, but chances are you washed something obstructive down the drain. Rooter service providers and residential plumbers highly recommend you be aware of what you can—and can’t—wash down the drain.

Here are three everyday household items that should never be washed down the drain:

  1. Grease and Oils

Grease, oil, and other fatty substances are common culprits of clogged drains. They might be liquid, but their properties are dangerous to your pipe’s health. Once fatty substances dry, they adhere to pipes and solidify in a sticky trap for debris. As more substance accumulates, a clog builds until you’ll need rooter services to get back to a smooth flow. The fatty substances that make it into the sewers can potentially block the path to a water treatment center.

  1. Fruit Stickers

Even with a food dispenser to chop debris, the small stickers on fruits and vegetables shouldn’t be washed down the sink. These stickers won’t dissolve under water and can clog your pipes by sticking to the insides. They can also stick to your garbage disposal blades, hindering their operation. If your garbage disposal isn’t effective, large pieces of produce can jam the blades or clog the pipes. 

The stickers that do go through your sewer system end up polluting the San Francisco Bay or the ocean. They also could affect the machinery in water treatment plants, if they’re cut small enough to get past the screens and filters. Get into the habit of removing produce stickers before washing your fruits and vegetables in the sink.

Also, fruit stickers can be more difficult to remove than other obstructions with standard plumbing tools. You might use a chemical drain cleaner to burn off the stickers, but rooter service might be required for a thorough clean.

  1. Stringy Objects

Anything stringy that doesn’t disintegrate immediately can tangle debris together and create a clog. Hair is the most common culprit, especially in households with long-haired people. Another culprit is dental floss, which can create devastating clogs because of their thickness and durability. 

If you have a habit of flushing dental floss down your sink, stop it before you get a larger problem. Use an overnight drain cleaner to disintegrate the floss and other stringy objects, like hair. You might use two rounds to clear out all build up, as non-biodegradable objects can be difficult to eliminate.